Heat stress and Hormonal Imbalance
Now let us learn the link between heat stress and hormones, menstrual cycle and how to tackle fertility related challenges posed by it.;

Heat Stress & Hormonal Imbalance: Can Summer Disrupt Your Menstrual Cycle?
With the rise in temperatures and scorching heat every year, Hyderabad experiences frequent and intense heat waves. This has become a major concern for public health especially regarding fertility and reproductive health aspects. While the majority of people focus on external wellbeing, it is crucial to remember the extreme heat and humidity can have a significant impact on our internal wellbeing, especially regarding regulation of hormones and menstrual cycles. Heat stress is one of the harmful conditions which occurs when our body is unable to regulate its temperature effectively thereby leading to hormonal imbalances and disruptions in the menstrual cycle. Moreover, it has a negative impact on expecting mothers or those who are suffering from thyroid disorders, PCOS etc as they are highly prone to heat related illnesses and ailments such as pregnancy complications, premature delivery, preeclampsia and many others. Now let us learn the link between heat stress and hormones, menstrual cycle and how to tackle fertility related challenges posed by it.
The Link Between Heat Stress and Hormones
Menstrual cycle is regulated by a complex interplay of hormones such as Estrogen, Progesterone and Luteinizing hormone. Being exposed to excessive heat for a longer period led to heat stress which can interfere with hormonal balance. When your body is exposed to excessive heat, it activates natural cooling mechanisms such as sweating and vasodilation to regulate temperature. However, prolonged exposure to heat give rise to stress on the hypothalamus, the part of the brain which is responsible for regulating body temperature, hunger and hormone release. One of the most significant hormones affected by heat stress is Hypothalamic Pituitary – Gondal (HPG) axis. The HPG axis governs the release of hormones that regulate reproductive function but when this axis gets disrupted, it causes irregularities in the menstrual cycle.
One of the main challenges posed by heat stress on the menstrual cycle is delayed or irregular periods. As your body shifts from reproductive processes to regulating temperatures, the production of reproductive hormones including Estrogen and Progesterone can become erratic thereby causing delay in ovulation or disrupt the timing of menstruation. Those who are suffering from PCOS are greatly prone to pronounced disruptions in their menstrual cycle.
Moreover, excessive heat and dehydration can also affect the amount of menstrual flow. Women may experience heavier or lighter periods based on how their bodies respond to heat stress and dehydration. Those who are suffering from excessive bleeding will suffer from dehydration. It may increase the risk of heat related illness such as heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Heat stress exacerbate menstrual discomforts such as cramps and bloating.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms like mood swings, exhaustion and irritability are brought on by heat stress. For women who are already dealing with PMS symptoms the combination of extreme heat and hormonal changes can make their discomfort worse. Generally, it is important for women to drink plenty of water and take frequent breaks in cool places particularly if their menstrual flow is particularly heavy.
Tips or Precautions of tackling Heat Stress
As we all know the most effective way to combat heat stress on menstrual cycle and hormonal balance is to stay hydrated. It is essential to drink plenty of water throughout the day, particularly during the summer months. Additionally, a lot of electrolytes are lost through sweat so it’s important to drink electrolyte-replenishing beverages like coconut water or sports drinks to maintain fluid balance and promote general health. The severity of PMS symptoms can be lessened, and hormonal health can be preserved with a well-balanced nutrient-rich diet that includes foods high in magnesium vitamin B6 and omega-3 fatty acids.
A balanced and nutrient rich diet which includes foods high in magnesium, vitamin B6, and omega-3 fatty acids aids in maintaining hormonal health and reduces the severity of PMS symptoms. Consuming fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins support the body's natural cooling mechanisms and regulate temperature during heat waves.
Furthermore, it is always advisable to keep your body cool by staying at cool places or using cooling products such as ice packs, portable fans and cooling towels to keep you cool if you start to feel hot. Keep tracking your menstrual cycle during summer as it helps you to identify disruptions or delays and take future preventative action. It is crucial to seek medical advice from fertility specialists or healthcare experts to tackle menstrual cycle issues or other underlying issues associated with heat stress.
Summer heat causes irregular periods and worsens PMS symptoms. By staying hydrated and well nourished, women can manage summer heat and tackle the challenges posed by heat stress thereby safeguarding menstrual and hormonal health.
Authored by Dr. Jalagam Kavya Rao
Regional Medical Head & Fertility Specialist , Oasis Fertility