Watching porn can actually make people religious: study
Watching porn can trigger feelings of guilt and embarrassment which pushed people towards spiritual activities.
Oklahoma: Pornography and religion are commonly seen as poles apart and many religious groups across the world would most probably disapprove of watching porn as a grave sin and immoral.
But what if you were told that porn can possibly be a factor that pushes people to become more religious even as believers argue that it makes people lose their faith?
No matter how absurd the idea may sound, a research actually suggested that porn can make a person religious and while they haven’t been able to find out a specific reason for this, they feel it’s the guilt that does the trick.
Researchers said that watching more porn may trigger feelings of guilt and embarrassment that can push people towards spiritual activities. The findings were obtained by Dr Samuel Perry, assistant professor of sociology and religious studies at University of Oklahoma.
The research involved observing 1300 Americans for six years to understand how porn affects their religious beliefs.