Unknown facts about your penis
Smoking can actually shorten your penis by as much as a centimetre.;
There are few things that men fret such a big deal about than their manhood. But if you thought that you are aware of all there is to know about penises then you are badly mistaken. Here are some facts about the male organ that you need to take note of.
Smoking makes you small
Sounds terrifying, doesn’t it? Apart from life threatening illnesses like cancer, lighting up a cigarette can actually shorten your penis by as much as a centimetre. Smoking calcifies blood vessels which then obstructs erectile circulation.
Prostate problem
Sexual problems like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation can also be caused by an enlarged prostate gland, according to Men's Health. So, in case you’re experiencing the two symptoms for no good reason, you need to get your prostate checked by the doctor soon.
Short-changed in the bedroom
Did you know that the average female orgasm lasts for 23 seconds while it’s just six seconds for men? Looks like women need to really up their game to ensure that their partner is satisfied.
Looks matter
Researchers claim that better-looking men may have stronger sperm. A study conducted by a Spanish team of experts showed women photos of men who had good, average, and poor quality sperm – and then told them to pick the men they found most attractive. The women ended up choosing the best sperm producers.
No brain required
You don’t really need to have a working brain in order to ejaculate. The command for sexual release actually comes from the spinal cord.
Handle with care
Penile ruptures or penis fractures are among the most dangerous things that can happen to your tool. What's even scarier is that the most common cause of penile rupture is vigorous masturbation. Doesn’t seem worth the risk now, does it?