Kerala government uses Friends with Benefits' film poster to promote vasectomy

Friends with Benefits' is a Hollywood flick that revolves around the lives of a couple in a no-strings attached' sexual relationship.

Update: 2017-01-01 08:52 GMT
The National Rural Health Mission in the state created quite a buzz on social media after it used Friends with Benfits' stars Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake to promote vasectomy. (Photo: Twitter)

It seems that the government in Kerala is taking some serious inspiration from pop culture in order to make the public warm up to the idea of birth control. The National Rural Health Mission in the state created quite a buzz on social media after it featured ‘Friends with Benfits’ stars Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake on a poster to promote vasectomy.

‘Friends with Benefits’ is a popular Hollywood flick that revolves around the lives of a young man and woman in a ‘no-strings attached’ sexual relationship. Apparently the state government thinks that this makes it perfectly okay to co-opt the movie's protagonists for advertising a public health scheme. The unusual ad reads: ‘Now family planning is safe in the hands of man. No-scalpel vasectomy done using simple, safe and modern technique, use NSV (no scalpel vasectomy) and get Rs 1100.’



Not too long ago, a college in the same state publicly displayed a poster welcoming ‘fresher students’ that featured two well-known adult film stars.

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