Write it with laughter

Comedian Vamsidhar Bhogaraju answers our rapid fire...

Update: 2018-08-03 18:47 GMT
Vamsidhar Bhogaraju

What are you working on currently?
Writing the screenplay for a  drama thriller. My first film was Humble Politician Nogaraj. I was the project head and acted in the movie as well. 

What about your work do you love the most?
It allows me to help people forget their worries.

What inspired you to follow the line of comedy?
My mother always told me that if I don’t study properly, I’ll become a joker!

Your biggest inspiration?
Bill Watterson, the creator of Calvin and Hobbes.

Most embarrassing moment on stage?
That one time when my mom was in the audience, and I was making an explicit joke. 

Three date essentials?
 Phone, wallet and self respect.

One obsession you have had/have?
 Playing an antagonist in a movie.

Your biggest fan moment?
There was a guy who watched me perform in Mysore, became a fan and drove down to Bangalore just to catch my next show.

Your favourite films?
Two billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri and Snatch. 

Your mantra for script writing in comedy
Tragedy and time gives you the best comedy. What to you seemed like a huge tragedy at one point of time will definitely be something that you will laugh at later on. 

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