A preppy Fest'a la vista!

College fests have begun in the city. Kristu College is holding a fest today, while MCC and St. Joseph's College follow soon.;

Update: 2018-08-08 18:36 GMT
(Left to Right) Praneetha Shivprasad, Sonali Pai, Vibha Manyatha, Priyanka Tekwani and Khushi from MCC

Apart from adhering to the usual norm of learning from a book and a lecturer inside four walls, college students are all geared up to take the city by storm; make learning more fun as they embrace this season, dedicating it to intra collegiate fests. Prepping to roll out some of the most colourful and exhilarating fests, students from various colleges tell us about their experience of organising a fest.

Kristu Jayanti college, to avoid their fest from clashing with fests of other colleges and steer it away from exams, have preponed it to August 9; leaving the students with only a week to prepare for it.

Thanseeh Ahemed, student co-ordinator, humanities, says, “Initially, it seemed like a challenge but we have an extremely enthusiastic and co-operative team. Time management and training newcomers were a few hurdles we faced. In terms of what you can expect from the fest, we have over 14 events including personality, JAM, film-making, photography and cosplay. They will be aligned with the theme Trailblazers, and the tagline 'Ignite and Inspire'; focusing on who we are going to be in this era when compared to famous personalities like Martin Luther King and Michael Jackson, who made a huge impact in the times they lived in, and continue to do so.”

Mount Carmel’s intra college fest, Iris, will be held for a span of three days, from August 9 to 11. The theme for this year is Jashn, and the tagline is Rhapsody of Fiesta. Khushi Porwal, cultural secretary of Mount Carmel College, lets us take a peek behind the scenes.

She says, “Deciding a budget and sticking to it is one of the main problems we faced; GST and other taxes coming in have made the expenses higher than before. Other challenges include; ensuring that no other fests clash with ours, the events are timed well, and most importantly, always having a back-up plan. Once we decide the theme, we begin decorations and deciding on the events. We try to bring in some elements of the theme into the events. For example, the fashion show will see a splash of neon colours, the rangoli and pot painting competitions are required to be festive and colourful in accordance with the theme.”

St. Joseph's College ( Autonomous) on Langford Road five-day long fest, Pratibha, was organised in two parts this year. The first three days of prelims before the mid-semester exams and the final two days after the exam. Being the multi-tasking lot they are, the students have shown no decline in participation, despite the exam fever.

Aafreen Fatima Mody, the president of St. Joseph's College ( Autonomous) says, “Pratibha is an intra collegiate fest, meaning, the competition is between classes. Each class wants to prove their talents, win the overall trophy and establish that they are the best. There has been active participation from every class leaving no room for a decline in the number of participants. Each department, be it media marketing, hospitality, registration or logistics have helped in their own way to make the fest a success. The theme for this year is Celebrating India and the tagline is Come Live India. We have over 40 events including a fashion show, music, dance and junk art, which are aligned with the theme.”

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