Women watching more online porn than before, reveals adult sites

Search term porn for women' skyrocketed among females logging on to the adult platform, which is internet's largest X-rated site.

Update: 2018-01-12 05:04 GMT
Some even said they watched porn when they were five (Photo: AFP)

According to a new survey, figures from adult site  Pornhub show a 359 per cent increase in 'porn for women' requests in 2017

The search term ‘porn for women’ skyrocketed among females logging on to the adult platform, which is internet’s largest X-rated site.

Bosses said the phrase had a 1,400 per cent increase among all users of the website.

In fact, even rival site xHamster said that the number of its women viewers went up 2.4 per cent worldwide.

According to a poll conducted by another site of 24,000 women, members revealed 60 per cent used porn twice a month and 18 per cent daily.

According to Dr Laurie Betito, director of Pornhub’s Sexual Wellness Centre, “2017 seems to have been the year where women expressed their desires more openly. Women are feeling more empowered. This is a sign of things to come.”

In terms of individual countries, the site recorded the biggest gains in South Africa, where female users grew by 23 percent.

Female porn users in Saudi Arabia also increased 11 per cent, according to xHamster. 

However, China saw a 28 percent decrease in women users.

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