Twins give birth at the same time
The sisters said they were thrilled by the coincidence, but not that surprised.
The miracle of birth was upped a notch when two identical twin sisters gave birth to their babies at exactly the same time. On 30 June, Sarah Mariuz gave birth to a baby boy in Denver, Colorado, then Leah Rodgers had her daughter in La Jolla, California. Both were born at 1.18am, albeit on two different time zones.
The sisters told TODAY that they are thrilled by the coincidence, but not that surprised. “We’ve always lived in separate places, but all of us — we have two sisters — are very close in age and very close,” Rodgers, who is 11 minutes older than her sister, said.
“But certainly there’s another connection at the twin level.” They both learnt they were pregnant last year around the same time and planned to tell each other on Thanksgiving, which they were spending together. When they saw each other, they said they just “knew”.
“She showed up to my front door and I welcomed her and Nick (Mariuz’s husband) inside,” said Rodgers, who works as an education strategist for Dell. “And I had this crazy twin intuition — I call it my ‘twintuition’ — and I knew she was pregnant, too.” Their due dates were originally four days apart, but they had not planned to have children at the same point in their lives. Yet Mariuz’s boy, Reid Joseph, and her sister’s daughter, Samantha Lynne, were born on the same day.