Let's glance through some of the interesting words and their meaning.
Floccinaucinihilipilification, the word recently used by Dr Shashi Tharoor for his upcoming book on Narendra Modi has captured the social media space. Let’s glance through some of the interesting words and their meaning.
1) The fourteen-letter word is a Latin word which means measuring a foot and a half describes the tendency to use long words. If you possess this trait like Dr Shashi Tharoor, you will surely enjoy trying to use the word in your conversations and make your statements with long and flowing words. Identify.
2) It is a song from the 1964 Disney musical film Mary Poppins. The Sherman Brothers wrote the song. Mary Poppins described it as the word to use “when you have nothing to say”. The word is “used as a nonsense word by children to represent the longest word in English”. Identify.
3) This word has its roots in the belief that the positions of stars influence the fate of humans, often in destructive ways; its original meaning in English was “an unfavourable aspect of a planet or star.” The word comes to us through Middle Age French and the Old Italian word meaning “star”. Identify.
4) A word primarily associated with Africa originated in the slight climate of Rome. It comes from the medieval Italian words which literally means “bad air”. The term was used to describe the unpleasant air emanating from the marshland surrounding Rome, which was believed to cause a thing. Identify the word.
5) It is six letters long, but all of the letters are vowels. It holds two Guinness World Records. It’s the longest English word composed exclusively of vowels, and it has the most consecutive vowels of any word. It is used in Latin psalters to show the distribution of syllables in Gregorian chant. Identify.
Answers: 1) Sesquipedalianism 2) Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 3) Disaster 4) Malaria 5) Euouae