Gratitude diaries

Youngsters in the city have started maintaining a daily journal to write about deeper emotions and positive events.

Update: 2018-01-15 20:54 GMT
Youngsters in the city have started maintaining a daily journal to write about deeper emotions and positive events. This helps them gain a new perspective on their lives.

Penning one’s deep emotions and achievements can teach one how to change the way one looks at life. The need to appreciate the little things in life comes full circle with this trend of journaling or writing a gratitude diary, which even Oprah Winfrey has taken to. Speaking to youngsters who write daily dairies, they share how it helps them while an expert reveals how writing things down can help one be more positive about things. Nikita Katragada, a 22-year-old student shares, “Journaling really helped me understand myself. I was always quiet and never talked much but writing down my feelings helped me connect with myself. To get to know what I was feeling and this also helped me later to be able to talk to friends. It helps you stay positive by seeing that your day wasn’t as bad as you think.”

Many people start journaling at a very young age and carry the hobby into adulthood. Anusha Alexander, an early childhood educator started writing her journal during teenage years, “Apart from my mom, it was only my journal where I would share feelings, crazy thoughts, I felt I could be myself. I found a friend who wouldn’t judge or betray me. Journaling also made me accountable for all my goals, it’s a constant reminder of who you are and what you want in life. I remember journaling when I was 13 that I wanted to own a boutique, and that dream didn’t just remain in the papers. When I was still in college, I opened my own venture in renting out wedding gowns. So it was very beneficial, the only disadvantage was that my brother read it!”

For some, it even helps to stay connected with their emotions, and keep a track of their progress as individuals. “For me personally, journal writing helped me vent out my emotions. I knew that I didn’t have anyone to talk to but my diary. It helped me stay connected with my emotions and also helped me understand myself better. It also made me feel lighter, and helped me improve in communicating my emotions to people,” says Abigail Venkat, a 19-year-old arts student.

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