Pregnant woman decides to apply makeup to ignore labour pains

Alaha reveals that she did this only to take her mind off the labour pains.

Update: 2016-03-17 04:42 GMT
Alaha, 27, says that her doctor did not have any objections regarding her makeup application in the labour ward. (Photo: Instagram/ @makeupbyalaha)

When Alaha, a 27-year-old luxury business consultant based in New York, went into labour, she decided to do something radically different to keep her mind off the pain – doing her makeup by herself. Pictures of her confidently putting on makeup in the maternity ward went viral after being posted on Instagram.



Alaha reveals that she did this only to take her mind off the labour pains. “I also love to read and during the first few hours that is exactly what I did. However, reading for a few hours started to give me a headache so I figured I’d pull out my makeup bag and get to ‘baking’,” she told Buzzfeed.



She even advises that other women should also do something that they love and not remain miserable during labour. Alaha also says that her doctor did not have any objections regarding her makeup application and is happy that she is now the mother of a healthy baby.


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