Video: Here's how you can pack more than 100 items in your hand luggage

Former Bond Girl Rachel Grant has the solution to age old travel woes.

Update: 2016-08-18 11:57 GMT
You can do it all with rubber bands and ziplock bags

Travelling and exploring the world is one of the best ways to spend your time, but with it comes the task of packing, which might seem simple but can actually be very tedious when one needs to take along a lot of things on a long trip.

At times when you have a really hard time packing all your things together, you might wish there was some spell that would help roll everything into one bag at the click of your fingers.

The dream of not having to turn up at airports with luggage twice your size is a reality, as former Bond Girl Rachel Grant shows how to pack more than 100 items in your hand luggage.

She effortlessly demonstrates this by putting clothes and shoes in a small bag with the help of rubber bands and zip-lock bags.

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