Meet the 'Machaan wale baba' at Kumbh

Another popular ascetic at the Kumbh, like the 'Australian baba', Sharabhang Giri, adding to the buzz of the congregation.

Update: 2019-01-21 08:10 GMT
Shri Mahant Ram Krishna Das Tyagi ji Maharaj on his 'machaan'. (Photo: ANI)

Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh): As Prayagraj is witnessing one of the largest human gatherings on the auspicious occasion of the 2019 Kumbh Mela, there are indeed several things grabbing the attention of the visitors. There are many new things to be experienced and seen at the Kumbh and one person that has attracted the attention is Shri Mahant Ram Krishna Das Tyagi ji Maharaj, who is also known as 'Machaan wale baba'.

Machaan baba is has been practising ‘sadhna’ since 1975, during which he has made minimum contact with the ground. Speaking to ANI, the baba said that he interacts and greets everyone from the machaan only.

His pandal in Kumbh provides 24-hour service to nearly 5,000 visitors daily, which is free of cost and open for all. Another initiative he has started is the free medical dispensary, which caters to the health and ailments of the pilgrims. The pandal also invites people to take shelter in it and can accommodate around 5,000 people.

Apart from such personalities, the Kumbh Mela is one of the only opportunities to see the reclusive Naga Sadhus, as some of whom live a reclusive life in caves after taking a vow of celibacy and renouncing worldly possessions.

The Kumbh Mela is a display not only for the Indian but also foreign tourists, who come from all across the world to witness the much-awaited event. Besides saints and seers, many foreign tourists have also come to India especially to attend the event.

The 55-day long Kumbh Mela, which began on Tuesday, will end on March 4. It is the largest human congregation in the world, with over 130 million pilgrims expected to participate in the festival.

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