Twitter reacts to #PMSpeaksToArnab in the most hilarious way

Twitterati also made fun of Arvind Kejriwal and other journalists who failed to get Modi's exclusive interview.

Update: 2016-06-28 10:24 GMT
The 85-minute interview was aired twice on the channel at 6pm and 9pm.

#PMSpeaksToArnab was the most trending topic on Monday on Twitter and Facebook. For the first time Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave interview to a private channel and the person who interviewed him was none other than Arnab Goswami.

The 85-minute interview was aired twice on the news channel. Even before the interview began, #PMSpeaksToArnab was the top trend on social media. Twitterati started poking fun at Arnab Goswami and even Arvind Kejriwal became the butt of jokes.















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