Kochi restaurant installs public refrigerator for donating food for homeless
The restaurant Pappadavada has decided to stock 50 packets of food everyday.;

There are times when you go out of your way in order to help someone who is unprivileged and somewhere you just know that you are making a difference.
At times you small act of kindness can encourage other people to make a difference as well. A restaurant named Pappadavada in Kochi recently came up with a wonderful idea in order to help the poor and the needy people.
The restaurant installed a fridge where people can leave food for the poor and homeless people.

The fridge has been named, “Nanma Maram”, and works 24/7. It’s located at Kaloor Kathrikadavu road in Kochi. The restaurant has decided to stock 50 packets of food everyday. The poor and homeless and help themselves and take the food from the fridge by themselves.
The restaurant Pappadavada will look after the operation and investment of Nanma Maram.
People of Kochi can get food from there houses and help these people, but they need to make sure that the food is fresh and packed properly.
The aim behind this act of charity is to reduce food wastage and help those in need of food.