Why Hum Tum is still relatable to the Indian Gen Z Daters

Update: 2024-05-27 11:46 GMT
Why Hum Tum is still relatable to the Indian Gen Z Daters (Photo: Pinterest)

As per Bumble’s recent survey, 71.5% of single Indians (71% GenZ, 72% Millennials) enjoy movie post-mortems, reviewing movies together. Hum Tum, a classic Bollywood Romcom celebrates 20 years, Ruchi Ruuh, relationship expert Bumble India has deep dived into how relatable the movie still stands.

 The 2004 Bollywood film "Hum Tum'' is known for its exploration of romance in a modern context. Interestingly, the film aligns closely with Indian Gen Z's approach to dating and relationships today. Below are the five ways Gen Z daters can relate to the film's timeless narrative:

1. Rejects the Idea of One True Love
In "Hum Tum," the protagonists Rhea and Karan challenge the concept of a destined soulmate or one true love. Instead, they understand that meaningful relationships can emerge from mutual respect, compatibility, and shared experiences. Infact, 71% of Indians (69% genz, 74% millennials) only choose to date someone today, with shared interests and/or hobbies. This mindset aligns with how Bumble encourages users to form genuine connections with multiple people before finding the right fit.
2. Believes True Love Grows Over Time
In the film, Rhea and Karan's relationship is a slow burn, evolving over many years and stages of life. This mirrors the Gen Z dating ethos, which values the growth and deepening of relationships over time. Bumble’s recent dating trend of Everyday Dates also shares that 33% of Indians prefer mundane dates over elaborate ones as it helps them build deeper, genuine connection over grand gestures.
3. Acceptance of Character's Quirks Instead of Seeking 'Perfection'
Karan and Rhea's relationship flourishes as they learn to embrace each other's unique personalities and imperfections. This aligns with Gen Z's emphasis on authenticity in dating, which Bumble supports by encouraging users to showcase their true selves through profiles and prompts, rather than striving for an unrealistic ideal of perfection.38% Genz surveyed also expressed they embrace authenticity over perfection.
4. Both Characters Follow Their Own Path of Self-Development
A key aspect of "Hum Tum" is how both Rhea and Karan pursue their own personal growth and self-discovery before eventually coming together. 71% of single Gen Z share this sentiment, valuing self-development and individual fulfillment as crucial elements to seek a healthy relationship.
5. Rhea's Character Embodies Freedom and Autonomy
Rhea's character is a representation of independence and autonomy, breaking away from societal expectations. She challenges traditional gender norms and chooses to live life on her own terms. A majority of the women surveyed (86%) in particular (85% of GenZ and 87% of Millennial women) are choosing to take active steps to be more happy with who they are here and now, putting the fun back into dating, in a trend Bumble is calling ‘betterment burnout’.
"Hum Tum" provides timeless lessons about love and relationships that resonate with Gen Z's modern dating values. Through the film and platforms like Bumble, young daters can find a reflection of their own approach to romance—one that values personal growth, authenticity, and mutual respect.

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