Take heart! Two women deliver babies after complicated surgeries in Chennai

On July 4, an emergency cesarean section was done due to fetal distress and a baby girl weighing 2 kg was delivered.

Update: 2016-07-14 00:56 GMT
Suryakala and Jamuna with the dean and other doctors of Stanley Medical College. (Photo: DC)

Chennai: In one of the rarest cases of medical advancement, two young women who underwent a complicated renal allograft and heart surgery, have given birth to healthy children at a city-based government hospital. Both of them have given birth to their babies at obstetrics and gynecology department at Raja Sir Ramasamy Mudaliayar Lying-in hospital at the assurance of doctors who attended them.

Suryakala, a 22-year-old nurse at a city hospital, who received a renal allograft in 2013 at Stanley Medical College Hospital for chronic kidney disease stage five, was unsure of her married life. But her marriage and the spontaneous pregnancy renewed hope of this resident of Jaykondam in Ariyanallur district. Her pregnancy was uneventful with normal anti-natal check ups and constant monitoring of her renal status by nephrologists till 9th month. On July 4, an emergency cesarean section was done due to fetal distress and a baby girl weighing 2 kg was delivered.

“This is the first post renal transplant pregnancy patient delivered at RSRM hospital. Female renal transplant recipient can undergo pregnancy 1-2 years after renal transplant after a stable graft function”, says Dean Dr Issac Christian Moses, Stanley Medical College Hospital.

Meanwhile, Jamuna a 25-year-old housewife from Trichy, who underwent a surgery for congenital cyanotic heart disease at the age of 18 got married 2011 and conceived spontaneously. She had regular anti natal checkups at Chennai Medical College Hospital and Research Center at Trichy until 9th month. Later, she was referred to RSRM, which had a higher center with cardiac obstetric and anesthetist’s critical care facility. And last month, she underwent caesarian section and delivered a female baby weighing 2.5 kg. The baby named Jayasri is healthy and doing well.

“These kind of successful delivery among patients who underwent complicated surgeries are rare in government hospitals,” added dean.

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