Abbakka Samithi demands due recognition to freedom fighter

Activists highlight the government's decision to cease funding for the Abbakka Utsav and the failure to initiate the construction of Abbakka Bhavan (hall) in Ullal

Update: 2024-02-23 08:30 GMT
"The lack of interest by the government and authorities in holding 'Abbakka Utsav,' a program in memory of Abbakka is disheartening. While leaders, including the Prime Minister, regularly highlight Abbakka in their speeches, there is a noticeable lack of substantial efforts to conduct an annual event in her honor," Abbakka Utsava Samithi president Dinakar Ullal said. — Wikipedia

Mangaluru: Delving into history's echoes, Queen Abbakka emerges as the trailblazing freedom fighter, bravely opposing the grip of Portuguese colonial rule. While her name graces the speeches of political leaders, a shadow of neglect looms over the commemoration of her legacy, leaving activists disheartened.

Activists highlight the government's decision to cease funding for the Abbakka Utsav and the failure to initiate the construction of Abbakka Bhavan (hall) in Ullal.

"The lack of interest by the government and authorities in holding 'Abbakka Utsav,' a program in memory of Abbakka is disheartening. While leaders, including the Prime Minister, regularly highlight Abbakka in their speeches, there is a noticeable lack of substantial efforts to conduct an annual event in her honor," Abbakka Utsava Samithi president Dinakar Ullal said.

"The government's financial support for the Abbakka Utsava, which spanned from 2008 to 2018, was discontinued after 2019. In 2019, an allocation of Rs 30 lakh was made but was not provided, leading to its return to the government. The subsequent two years saw the cancellation of the event due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2022, although the government allocated Rs 10 lakh, it has yet to be provided. The response from the government this year cited the non-utilization of funds in the previous year as the reason for non-allocation," he added.

The Abbakka Utsava Samithi has been actively organizing the Abbakka Utsav since 1997. Initially reliant on donations, government funding, ranging from Rs 25 lakh to Rs 40 lakh, was provided from 2008 to 2018. With the cessation of government support, the event is currently sustained through donations, with the duration reduced from a three-day to a one-day celebration in recent years.

Highlighting the stalled progress of the Abbakka Bhavana (Hall) construction, Ullal lamented that the foundation stone laid in 2011 has not seen any development.

"The foundation stone was laid in 2011 when the estimated cost was Rs 5 crore. Later it increased to Rs 8 crore and now it has increased to Rs 12 crore. Remarkably, even the foundation stone laid 12 years ago is currently missing," he added.

Former MLA Jayaram Shetty emphasized the collective responsibility to remember Abbakka, stating, "Abbakka, the first freedom fighter who stood against the Portuguese tyranny, deserves our remembrance. A grand annual program should be organized to honor her legacy every year."

The Abbakka Utsava Samithi members demanded the government hold a program every year.

"Let them look after the finances. But let them involve us in organizing the program so that we can attractively hold the program," the Committee members stated.


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