Telangana food safety officials inspect prominent Nizam and Fateh Maidan Clubs

By :  M Srinivas
Update: 2024-09-25 07:23 GMT
Telangana Food Safety officials inspected Nizam Club in Saifabad and found the food business operator (FBO) operating business without any valid Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) license. (Photo: X)

Hyderabad: Telangana Food Safety officials inspected Nizam Club in Saifabad and found the food business operator (FBO) operating business without any valid Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) license.

During the inspection, a task force team of the food safety department found that the medical fitness certificates for food handlers, pest control records for premises and water analysis report for RO water used for food preparation were not available with the FBO.

Though a live cockroach infestation was observed inside the kitchen premises, water seepage was observed from ceiling directly over grinding area and refrigerator doors were found broken and joints were rusted.

Food articles stored were found covered but not labeled while drains were found clogged and water stagnation observed. Synthetic food colors were found inside the kitchen and upon enquiry the FBO stated to have used them for Chinese items.

The team then discarded them on the spot. Cosmetic rose water was found in the store area and suspected of being used in pudding preparation as per FBO statement. The team discarded it on the spot and instructed to use food grade rose water only.

Beetle infestation was observed in wheat flour and urad dal inside the store room while dustbins were found open at few points without proper lids.

In a separate inspection at Fateh Maidan Club in LB Stadium, the officials could not find FSSAI license true copy at the prominent location while food handlers inside the kitchen were found without hair caps, aprons and gloves.

Medical fitness certificates for food handlers and water analysis reports for RO water used for food preparation were not available with the FBO.

Windows were found open without insect proof screens to avoid entry of pests while walls were found to be greasy and the floor found uneven with broken tiles at few points. Semi prepared food articles stored inside the refrigerator were not covered and not labelled properly and dustbins found open without proper lids on them.


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