Supercharge your immune system

The power of immunity may have come to the forefront in the pandemic but its importance can hardly be overemphasised

Update: 2024-07-02 18:30 GMT

Incorporating the right kind of foods and habits for a healthy lifestyle can help you give your immune system the recharge it needs. Experts weigh in.

Move It

Regular exercise is good for your muscles; it also helps your immune system stay strong and ready to defend your body. Staying hydrated means drinking plenty of water to keep your body hydrated and help it flush out toxins; loading up on foods rich in vitamins and minerals, which keep your immune system in top shape; avoiding unhealthy habits like smoking and excessive drinking; and maintaining a healthy weight to support your diet. “By making these habits a part of your daily routine, you can give your immune system the VIP treatment it deserves. Weakening your body’s defence mechanisms and insufficient sleep disrupt the balance of immune cells and antibodies. A diet lacking in essential nutrients can compromise the immune system’s ability to function optimally. Chronic stress releases hormones that can suppress immune responses, making it harder for your body to fight off infections. Physical inactivity can lead to a decrease in immune surveillance; dehydration can impact the immune system by affecting the production of lymph, which can impair the function of immune cells,” says Dr Preeti Nagar, Dietician, Noida International Institute of Medical Sciences (NIIMS) and Hospital, NIU.

Eat Right

It is essential to include a variety of foods in your diet and adopt beneficial habits to maintain a healthy lifestyle and boost immunity. This includes having foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support the immune system, as well as probiotic foods like yoghurt, kefir, and kimchi that contain beneficial bacteria that support gut health and immunity. Make sure you have the right protein sources — lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, legumes, and nuts — in your diet, as they provide essential nutrients for immune function. ‘Immune-boosting foods’ are those that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support the immune system’s function. “Including a mix of fruits, vegetables, protein sources, fermented foods, and herbs in the diet contributes to overall balance and well-being. Many are familiar with the fact that vitamin C is important for immune function. This antioxidant is found abundantly in many different fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C plays a crucial role in supporting various cellular functions of the immune system, making it an essential nutrient for maintaining a healthy immune system,” says Charles Jayakumar, pastry chef at APCA India.

Gut Matters

One very important factor for a healthy immune system is maintaining a balanced gut microbiome. The intricate relationship between the gut microbiome and the immune system underscores the profound impact our gut health has on our overall well-being. “A flourishing gut microbiome not only enhances our immunity, protecting us from infections and diseases, but also influences our mental health and metabolic functions. Understanding this connection highlights the importance of maintaining a balanced and diverse gut microbiota. Gut microbiome testing offers a personalised insight into our unique microbial composition, enabling targeted dietary and lifestyle interventions to optimise gut health. By investing in gut microbiome testing, we take a proactive step towards fortifying our immune system, paving the way for a healthier, more resilient future,” says Max Kushnir, Co-Founder and Chief Science Officer, Sova Health.

Beat the Stress

Urban lifestyle has become synonymous with sleep deprivation, high stress, poor eating choices and little to no exercise weakening our body’s immune system. As the monsoon season brings colder temperatures and increased humidity, our bodies crave warmth and immunity-boosting nutrients, amidst otherwise more infection-vulnerable environments. Yash Parashar, founder & CEO, of Mama Nourish, says, “The lower temperatures and sounds of rains create a perfect opportunity in monsoon to have a tight, long sleep. So, this monsoon beyond eating well and exercising don’t forget to stay well rested passing Netflix and Instagram reels for sound sleep. Letting your immune system recover and strengthen itself. Additionally, practising indoor exercises like Yoga complements these dietary habits, ensuring a holistic approach to staying healthy during otherwise monsoon disrupted outdoor activity regime.”


To optimise immune responses and promote cytokine production, prioritise adequate sleep.

Consume a diet rich in micronutrients such as vitamins A, C, D, and E and minerals like zinc and selenium to support immune cell function.

Maintain proper hydration to facilitate lymphatic circulation and immune cell movement.

Refrain from a sedentary lifestyle as it can lead to immune system dysregulation and impaired pathogen defence mechanisms.

Avoid excessive intake of refined sugars and saturated fats that can induce inflammation and impair immune cell activity.

Limit alcohol consumption as it can disrupt gut microbiota balance and weaken immune defences.

Limit alcohol consumption as it can disrupt gut microbiota balance and weaken immune defences.


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