Severe warning issued for millions of iPhone owners

Apple has issued a severe warning for its iPhone users who try to take matters into their own hands.

Update: 2019-08-10 05:27 GMT

The iPhone 11 launch is just around the corner and it is facing a lot of backlash for the way it looks and the incremental upgrades that are expected to come with it. However, the latest bit of information pertains to the millions of existing iPhone users and Apple wants you to stop and take notice.

As per iFixit, the iPhone repair and teardown specialist claims that Apple has recently activated the software in the iPhone XS, XS Max and iPhone XR which sends a warning to users if they try to replace their iPhone’s batteries anywhere except Apple.

Elaborating on the issue, iFixit states that owners who suddenly made the change receive an “Important Battery Message” on their iPhones which are a warning that iOS cannot detect if this is an official battery, and that Battery Health information is disabled and they should visit an Apple Store to rectify the issue. However, this message doesn’t only appear with third-party batteries and even those using genuine Apple batteries get this warning.

iFixit explains, “It’s not a bug; it’s a feature Apple wants. Unless an Apple Genius or an Apple Authorized Service Provider authenticates a battery to the phone, that phone will never show its battery health and always report a vague, ominous problem.”

Commenting on this issue, Forbes states, “And it is this authentication element where things get creepy. YouTube channel TheArtofRepair discovered Apple has modified a commonly used Texas Instruments microcontroller (which typically reports battery capacity, temperature and charge) to make it work as an authentication device. The chip pairs the battery to the iPhone’s logic board with a unique authentication key and unless you have it, even authentic batteries working perfectly will be flagged as a problem.”

There is a workaround to this issue; however, it is a complicated procedure as it requires you to remove the microchip and resolder it to the new battery in order to trick the system. iFixit warns, “But the procedure isn’t for the faint of heart, and it’s an unreasonable requirement for any repair, much less something as simple as a battery swap.”

While it is unclear as to how many iPhones have been affected by this sudden development since Apple no longer discloses its iPhone sales figures. However, we can guess that the iPhone XS, XS Max and XR sales are well into 100 million units which put a whole lot of people at risk if they take matters in their own hands.

Forbes states, “And it’s a problem that is only going to become more widespread. Apple gives iPhones and their batteries a one year warranty, so there has been no reason for owners of the 11-month-old iPhone XS, XS Max and XR to use cheaper third party services. But a trickle will turn from a stream into a tidal wave as they step out of warranty and continue to age.”

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