WhatsApp could be banned over national security issues in the UK
WhatsApp, Snapchat and iMessage scramble the messages sent across users
10 July 2015 4:10 PM IST
Watch: This robot uses smartphone to solve Rubik’s cube
Robot developed by ARM used the Samsung S4’s processor to solve it in record time
9 July 2015 6:38 PM IST
GiveItUp: You too can make a difference by giving up LPG subsidy
Many corporate houses have asked employees to give up the LPG gas subsidy
9 April 2015 5:40 PM IST
No 4-incher, Apple to unveil the iPhone 7 this year
Rumours about a 4-incher iPhone 6 series smartphone are on the run
3 April 2015 8:39 PM IST
New developments at XEROX, two new appointments for India
Xerox India appoints Anurag Gupta, Satish Prasad for service, health research departments
19 March 2015 6:19 PM IST
WhatsApp Calling: All you need to know
WhatsApp Calling is a feature to make voice calls using the chat app
19 March 2015 5:54 PM IST