Ride the new wave
The battle rope is the latest workout equipment to gain popularity and it can help you shape up like never before.

The battle rope is a highly effective conditioning tool found in the new age gym. Battle ropes are very adaptable and can be used in different ways to tone up and pack on lean mass. These ropes primarily target upper body muscles (forearms, traps, biceps, triceps, back and chest). Throw in a squat or a lunge and you get a full body workout, plus increased cardiovascular ability. Isn’t this reason enough to add battle ropes to your workout?
Anupam Popli, national format head, strength and conditioning at a well known gym, gives five simple exercises that you can do with the battle rope.
Hip toss
Target: Arms, obliques and core muscles
How: Grip the ropes with palms facing inward. Keeping your hands close, move ropes from right hip up and over (like a rainbow) towards the left hip. Focus on keeping torso upright and abs engaged.
Description: If you are looking to reduce belly fat, this is the exercise for you. It is ideal for all.
Beginners: 20 sec on, 30 sec off
Intermediate: 30 sec on, 20 sec off
Advance: 40 sec on, 20 sec off
Alternating single arm waves
Target: Shoulder, arms and core muscles
How it’s done: Sit into a partial squat, grip the ropes with palms facing the floor and move your arm, one at a time, making two waves up and two waves down.
Description: This is a great move to start with and is ideal for beginners.
Beginners: 30 sec on, 30 sec off
Intermediate: 40 sec on, 20 sec off
Advance: 20 sec on, 10 sec off
Reverse-grip wave with lunge
Target: Shoulder, arms, core and leg muscles
How: At hip width stance, grip the ropes with palms facing up, keeping elbows close to the rib cage. Begin single arm waves, then step back into a lunge. Continue alternating while moving arms.
Description: It is a great conditioning exercise which builds strength, coordination and agility.
Ideal for intermediate/advance level.
Intermediate: 30 sec on, 20 sec off
Advance: 40 sec on, 20 sec off
Power slams
Target: Shoulder, back, core and leg muscles
How: Start in a deep squat position, grip the ropes with palms facing inward and bring them up (overhead) before slamming the ropes to the ground in one powerful motion, keeping the chest upright.
Description: It is a good exercise for building strength, power and agility. Ideal for intermediate/advance levels
Beginners: 20 sec on, 30 sec off
Intermediate: 30 sec on, 20 sec off
Advance: 40 sec on, 20 sec off