Role of PR enhanced with the flow of fake information, say industry experts

Update: 2023-02-27 14:31 GMT
PR and Communication professionals, journalism students and faculty members took part in the programme. (Photo By Arranegement)

HYDERABAD: The glut of misleading and fake information running through the social media in a highly dangerous way has increased the importance of Public Relations (PR) as a strategic management function in every organization, according to the speakers at a talk on “Trends in PR in 2023”, jointly organised by the Public Relations Society of India’s Hyderabad Chapter and St. Joseph’s Degree and PG college here on Monday.

Two PR and Communication professionals with more than three decades of industry experience—Dr.Rohit Raj Mathur (Officer on Special Duty, Ayaan Institute of Medical Sciences) and Mr. D.Ramachadram (Founder, Solus Media)—observed that the importance of PR has increased multi-fold in this highly dynamic digital-first environment.

PR and Communication professionals, journalism students and faculty members took part in the programme.

“The survival and future of any organization, commercial or non-commercial, critically hinges upon how its reputation is perceived. PR professionals are out there to safeguard the image and reputation of organizations by equipping themselves to deal with modern technologies,” Dr.Mathur said. He called upon educational institutes to have a relook at the curriculum of PR to deal with the fast-changing technological advancements.  

D. Ramachandram listed out seven critical trends in the field of PR. “Most important among the seven trends is the professionals’ ability to make anything viral. Viral communication is the new norm and it needs a lot of innovation and creativity to deal it,” he said. He also spoke about the importance of videos and influencers in the modern PR.

The PRSI National General Secretary Y. Babji and its Hyderabad chapter chairman Dr S.Ramu, who chaired the session, said that students should learn the skillset that is needed to face stiff competition in the PR and Communications. PRSI Hyderabad secretary K.Yadagiri and the Joint Secretary Aparna Rajhans also spoke.

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